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We used to have an incredible sex life before, but over the last 7 to 8 years, her anxiety and germ phobia have ruined it. (just the thought of that gets me hard). Im also a big cuddle buddy.

I love to spend time with my partner making her feel like a queen xxx also like meeting ts or tv gurls find them very hot also looking to try new things withing reason. My master is very caring and loving.

Name: bartrudzinski Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 4" Hair: Chestnut Age: 58 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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Fit and healthy - that is not to say that I don't enjoy going out for casual drinks, go to events as well as enjoying the outdoors. Cool fat hotpic. My Ideal Person??

Name: LLCW57 Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 9" Hair: Chestnut Age: 27 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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Your traveling wander! I didn't understand that. If you can't be honest about your sexuality on here, then where?.Spelling, complete sentences, and punctuation...please and thank you. Hopefully I can find the more mature individual that desires someone a little younger and naked to thoroughly enjoy. Masculine and consider my attraction to only women.

We are in a long term relationship, looking to spice things up.

Name: MarkmanWB Type: Athletic Status: Married Height: 5' 0" Hair: Black Age: 38 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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Just want a great friend with benifits. All I'm looking for, is someone who's down to fuck around or make some chemistry. I consider myself a very sexually open person, and that tends to be who I click with the best. Hard working black male that is ALWAYS WORKING in a relationship and you both like to play.

Name: BrazOral69 Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 1" Hair: Blonde Age: 33 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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Ask me about my interests, I have plenty to go around. Enjoy good friends and relaxed settings , very energetic and Awsome oral skills for hours !! So here's in Blackwell, OK the deal: I'm just a totally average, regular guy that just happens to enjoy pleasuring another guy. Independent and self sufficient. A friend with benefits to laugh and have a good time.

Name: MufiMazman Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 3" Hair: Red Age: 31 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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A woman who is happy to wear nice negligee (removed later!). I dream to open new horizons with my partner, to travel and to see unique and nice places, maybe I can show my country, as well. I'm just looking for a bit of an introvert (see Personality Trait - it's spot on!), but naturally "motivated" in the bedroom.

Name: Netacomeau1964 Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blonde Age: 33 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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Just looking for some fun! I am 28 years old. I'm amongst the best hosts this city has ever seen. I don't care for young skinny women..No drama, know what you want and just ask for it and say no if Blackwell, OK they aren't interested..Hate people who ghost others, just say no and don't leave the other person guessing or waiting. I have good morals.

Name: cielSchilling Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 5" Hair: Auburn Age: 46 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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I am constantly working on myself Blackwell, OK and improving. Hot fat woman xxx. Love sex , looking for no strings fun.happy too travel.

Name: Stopask78 Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 2" Hair: Red Age: 23 City: Blackwell, OK 74631
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