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Name: sarahwginger Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 7" Hair: Brown Age: 27 City: Perrysville, OH 44864
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I'm literally just here bored looking for someone to talk to. Slut in Kitimat. No hurt feelings please....we all have our preferences. Open minded and down for fun. Have some pics to share including face pics and full body (on your profile or email is fine). I travel the Midwest for work. I am basic user, so i cannot read your PMs.

Name: Austinbashford1957 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Separated Height: 5' 5" Hair: Blonde Age: 36 City: Pawhuska, OK 74056
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I am independent, understanding, creative, receptive, organized, chaotic, classy, awkward, coordinated, peaceful, proportionate, irregular, healthy, weird, self-conscious, self-disciplined, expressive, ever-improving woman. Personality, and confidence often trumps appearances with me. Let's meet up and see where things lead.

I'm an easy going person with a good head on their shoulders. Kinks are welcome, curves are encouraged, and good communication is a must.

Name: Lucienmilestone Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 5" Hair: Black Age: 32 City: Wickenburg, AZ 85358
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Let's play and find out. I am particularly interested in SSBBW's currently.
Looking for hookups :). A lady in the street and a whore between the sheets. I'm pretty much looking for any race/gender/etc. The feeling of truly being alive..

Name: NaughtyandNiceFk Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 7" Hair: Blonde Age: 59 City: Camden, NJ 08101
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If you want to know anything about me, I'll tell you. My wife nudist sex. I am a very chill type of guy but I love having sex lol. He does or doesn't have to join.
Looking for a sub that is a hedonistic and takes pleasure from all thing.

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Name: neil8824 Type: Athletic Status: Single Height: 5' 6" Hair: Black Age: 47 City: Windsor, NL A2B
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I'm an easy going guy that has a great sense of humour and enjoy good times looking for sanemind people. Discreet man looking for longer term relationship. Love kissing, oral (wicked skills) doggy, rough.

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Name: youcantifyoudont Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 2" Hair: Brown Age: 52 City: Richburg, NY 14774
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Those are the best.

Very single, 55 y.o. Looking for someone who really want to explore and we can have fun all night long cuz I'm strong sexy and looking for a NSA relationship to make my visits even more exciting. I go to the gym I'm very fit I'm looking for a woman / couple for some exiting times.

Name: butterflyday4 Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 8" Hair: Auburn Age: 43 City: Vancouver, BC V6E
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Stop the routine and boredom of the rut we get into, Come and adventure with me....i will entice your mind, caress your spirit and give you an deep sensual experienes that come with playful tantra, open mindedness and non judgemental erotica so that you can live on the edge and feel passion and arousal, explore your deepest fantasies and with an athletic good looking guy! I do build custom bondage furniture along with lingerie. Nothing serious or complicated.. A little lonely blonde looking for excitement.

Name: FlirtyName Type: Athletic Status: Married Height: 5' 5" Hair: Blonde Age: 52 City: Quantico, VA 22134
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