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Please feel free to drop me a message : ). I'm in college and I love to listen. My husband will most likely be there and can participate whenever he wants. Love a joke and am a big tease.

Name: Oddballjr Type: Heavyset Status: Married Height: 5' 9" Hair: Auburn Age: 42 City: Murray, KY 42071
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A man or couple that doesn't mind "capturing" the moment. Well you will be definitely in for a good time I'm a fun loving up for anything type of bloke can be really random sometimes and love spontaneous trips holiday. Not looking for anything serious but do love a good laugh and fun time with. I have NO interest in women.

I'm not into cam and i don't send nude pictures to anyone, If u don't have the same values I'm not interested. Laid back easy going and drama and jealousy free she would love to be sarcastic and humorous and have the drive and energy levels to match behind closed doors.
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Name: Lonnardmannello1984 Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 0" Hair: Brown Age: 38 City: Murray, KY 42071
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Chemistry is everything.

I'm 31 but more like 51 old head on young shoulders I'm bigish built but strong and loads of stamina I work on farms and drive and mend tractors and diggers and lots of steel work welder. Cuero swingers Kim.

Name: Satvinder1313 Type: Average Status: Separated Height: 5' 7" Hair: Red Age: 35 City: Murray, KY 42071
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Looking to connect with one person. We are open to all couples that have a mutual understanding and don't discriminate. I am looking for a kind and sincere partner who is able to love and be loved. Looking for a good man.

Name: jules8000 Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 6" Hair: Chestnut Age: 33 City: Murray, KY 42071
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I'm looking to have some fun and get to know someone at all levels. I don't know what else to say. We are very out going we love to play pool, but not that good at it love to go camping and hanging out around the fire pit... I'm damn sexual and love all types of sex. Knows what they want from a woman and gets it.

Name: Karter862 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Divorced Height: 5' 0" Hair: Auburn Age: 52 City: Murray, KY 42071
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Maybe your needs are no longer being met by your man and you want to feel like a sexy, desirable, passionate woman again. Girls in Ashford, AL who want tot fuck in Braintree, Massachusetts. Sane, fun, sarcastic couple in an open relationship. A voluptuous women who knows exactly how she wants to be pleasured. You'll love it. ALSO LOOKING FOR MY FIRST TRANS EXPERIENCE!!

Name: florettahanes1952 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 0" Hair: Blonde Age: 37 City: Murray, KY 42071
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Chemistry and connection and communication is always key. Never been with a guy before but I really want to try bottom with someone that has some experience. Hairy blonde pussy spread wide.

I travel to a couple of places regularly.

Name: matthewskarr1958 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Separated Height: 5' 9" Hair: Chestnut Age: 24 City: Murray, KY 42071
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I am an honest and good person. I am very active outdoors, hiking, fishing, boating, swimming and so much more. I'm an easy-going laid back kinda guy who is very approachable and enjoys meeting new people and making friends. A busy professional with a naughty side. Open and looking....

Name: Crosby4269 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 8" Hair: Auburn Age: 26 City: Murray, KY 42071
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