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Name: rm_403tony Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 5" Hair: Blonde Age: 39 City: Vidor, TX 77670
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Enjoy fishing camping and have been rideing dirtbikes forever am more of a home body than nightclubbing and stuff rather spend some good times with someone. Meet ups in my area.

Name: calebforhookup Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 3" Hair: Black Age: 30 City: Vidor, TX 77662
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Like to see couples getting it on together and also like to have a lot of stamina. I never had any luck with internet dating sites I am just here to hopefully make some new friends and have a good time, looking for a naughty but nice girl to hang out with, could it be you? If you are interested just message me. I am very respectful and discreet.

To get what you seek you must grant what you desire.

Name: BoyceHollowell545 Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blonde Age: 58 City: Vidor, TX 77662
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Def a nerd. I'm also probably the most stress-free, laid-back guy you'll ever meet. Thompsonville, NY straight men looking to text boys.

Name: Virginia2804 Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 7" Hair: Black Age: 36 City: Vidor, TX 77670
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Sometimes that's a good I think. Preferably someone older but I'm not too picky. And if not, that's OK.

Name: siobhanspueler996 Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 0" Hair: Brown Age: 45 City: Vidor, TX 77662
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No games or drama please. Athletic build, dl/discreet, cool, worskout.

Name: AgnolaAdell1970 Type: Heavyset Status: Divorced Height: 5' 2" Hair: Black Age: 45 City: Vidor, TX 77670
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Anything goes so let's see what happens. New in Vidor, Texas here wanting to meet new people. Love to go out on the town have fun and love a movie on the looking for a confident honest loving man who knows how to treat and respect a lady I promise Ill make it worth your while. I'm looking for something fun and casual. Im not there for my pleasure but for yours.

Ive been told that I'm great in the sack, I can show you if you

Name: Soundbaron22 Type: Slender Status: Single Height: 5' 0" Hair: Grey Age: 22 City: Vidor, TX 77670
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Meeting is a must before playing and there must be a connection. Super kinky and nonjudgmental. Please feel free to ask any questions I am an open book.
Also, a good personality and a guy that knows how to have fun and a semi-regular partner(s). She's 5'8, bi and curvy.

Name: Dilligaf3000 Type: Athletic Status: Married Height: 5' 3" Hair: Brown Age: 27 City: Vidor, TX 77662
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