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STR8 with a high sex drive enjoying the company of friends in and out of the bedroom for a couple of months. No pain either way, sorry. I am down to earth and all I want is to have a man be good to me and have a deep view of life the universe and everything.

So about me. I'm spontaneous - a try anything type of guy.

Name: Brainsolberg64 Type: Athletic Status: Separated Height: 5' 6" Hair: Black Age: 28 City: Spokane, WA 99208
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It's a turn-on to satisfy a woman, bring her to heights of climactic pleasure. I am 55,female, 5'2 fluffy, long red hair, my friend is 32 male, 5'9 nicely built, we are looking to invite other people to join us for some fun, no strings attached. I am pretty outgoing as i like to speak my mind and put my 2 cents in, even if it's not what you wanna hear! We are a married couple that embraces our sexual side and is always open to new experiences and opportunities to connect with nude singles others.

Do not message me and be a dick first thing.

Name: Dannytrain Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 4" Hair: Black Age: 37 City: Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
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Im a single mom 2 boys ages 18 and 15...ive been hurt and I dnt want to give up on the excitement of meeting and learning about someone. Sexxy 22 women fucking. Ya know? NSA, discrete fwb.

I'm layed back easy going fun. I am looking nude singles for a fwb with friend being the most important thing to me.

If interested, sent email.

Name: Adinamanser Type: A few extra pounds Status: Divorced Height: 5' 8" Hair: Grey Age: 57 City: Clinton, AL 35448
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I'm not looking to hurt anyone or change anyone's situation. I need a man who can handle me.

Name: RebeckaMosley619 Type: Average Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 2" Hair: Brown Age: 47 City: Spokane, WA 99208
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I'm happy to wank you, suck you and expect nothing in return. I am free most evenings and can do overnight most Thursday to Sunday. I keep my mouth shut and don't try to start problems with anybody.

Woman in Rochester that want sex free for black cocks story.

Name: Aff_Trio Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 6" Hair: Auburn Age: 48 City: Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
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I'm looking for a nature loving outdoorsy naughty laid back easy going type between 27 and 50 Someone who is looking for casual dating Lets meet for drinks or mini golf and take it from there i will get back to this after i work my way around the site. Open minded willing too explore and be explored mentally and physically. Soy nueva kiero experimentar y curiosear en esto, no tengo mucha experiencia pero me gustaria tener amigas con quien salir, MAS QUE NADA BUSCO AMISTAD SI SE DAN LAS COSAS Y HAY QUIMICA PUES DIOS DIRA, SOY MUY PLATICADORA EN PERSONAL HABLO DE MAS EN CUESTION DE TEXTOS SOY DE POCAS PALABRAS, SOY MUY DIRECTA Y DIGO LO K ME GUSTA Y LO QUE NO ME GUSTA, NO ME GUSTA QUE ME HABLEN A CHILE PELON PELADO EN CUESTION DE SEXO, Y CREO YA ENTENDI DE QUE ES ESTA PAGINA PERO CREO QUE LAS AMISTADES TAMBIEN SE PUEDEN HACER. I am looking for chats and flirty fun to begin with.

Well i'm a young feeling 30yr old.

Name: Shaynagrear1981 Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 3" Hair: Red Age: 56 City: Franklinville, NJ 08322
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I enjoy sex with men, women and even threesomes. There is everywhere, be different. Babe banging hard. I am also looking for an older male to have his way with me. Fun and has a kinky side as well as discreet. I enjoy drinks regularly, but never to excess.

Name: Macierayray Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 6" Hair: Blonde Age: 41 City: Porterdale, GA 30070
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I'm probably looking for you! Easy-going, spontaneous, very fun,looking for new experiences with my male friend who would love to watch! Couples, I am clean and disease free. We chat, exchange some face pictures, meet for a coffee or lunch, and if all is good I will get us a nice hotel room, where we can enjoy our intimate time together. Overall I love to have fun, I belive life is to enjoy it and not stay within boundaries. Calm but sure of myself.

Name: kirstinOsbourn287 Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 9" Hair: Grey Age: 50 City: Fresno, CA 93720
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