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Probably borderline kink in that regard. Men fucking wonen. I like running, biking, and generally being outdoors. I like music art And entertain I've never met a stranger And I'm comfortable to meet.

I am a mixed race guyhalf Spanish and half caribbean born and live in london I have a wicked sense of humor, looking for an adventurous in Denver playmate(s) who is funny intelligent and game.

Name: TomekaMarquis5 Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 7" Hair: Red Age: 51 City: Denver, CO 80225
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I'm a woman who has sexual needs but that does NOT mean that I suck and fuck just anyone. Those of you who've been by before, come back any one else interested HMU.... It's the freedom. If you are honest, can make me laugh, if you can make a girl laugh your half way into her pants, it's not true though I "thank god I'm feeling better", a person responds "I didn't even know you were sick", I respond "I'm not sick, I'm just really really really naughty".

Always have free time and always down to learn about something new and interesting. I'm looking for a new beginning I want a easy going loving person who loves long walks and dinning out reading music talking slim build.

Name: LisaAck1967 Type: Heavyset Status: Married Height: 5' 1" Hair: Blonde Age: 35 City: Denver, CO 80230
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As I'm not always on here, I don't always get messages right away, but I will ALWAYS answer messages in due course. Looking for one night stand or friends with benefits or fuck buddies. Nude men for women. 52 white m live in johnson in Denver County MO, here looking to chat and make some playful connections. Im not looking for sex. I love to travel, and I am definitely a night owl.

Name: mereditheworonicz68 Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Auburn Age: 54 City: Denver, CO 80209
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Don't be shy, I promise it will be worth it. 19M Switch! I enjoy taking women to places that they had no idea that they reach.

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Don't be shy , nothing ventured nothing gained.

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I have a friendly open personality I love to laugh, I can have a sarcastic sense of humor. Im a very fun guy to be around I love to smoke and I'm looking for discreet and if you can make me happy and loved. : I am a woman and I want to find out more of what I'm into. Nobody has been in Denver left disappointed. Meet up? We do enjoy meeting other couples and females.

Name: KodiHayze Type: Heavyset Status: Married Height: 5' 5" Hair: Grey Age: 36 City: Denver, CO 80257
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Foreplay is a must for me, I like lots of foreplay before/going straight to penetration.

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A man who is supportive and willing to help each other.

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Name: EvanneRandal886 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 0" Hair: Chestnut Age: 30 City: Denver, CO 80295
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If you are cool with mfm & mfmm that would be a plus, as she may also want to play in the future. Masculine guys only.
And be sure, I will not disappoint you. I enjoy anything outdoors, etc, target shooting, working in flowers/gardening. I am drawn to well spoken people who are open-minded, authentic, and who can hold intelligent conversation.

Name: ludovicoSchramm576 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 1" Hair: Blonde Age: 55 City: Denver, CO 80246
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