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My life consists of working most of the week that leaves weekends open. I'm there every weekday around 8 am and occasionally 5pm.

Name: lainaTrulove1974 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 1" Hair: Grey Age: 37 City: Troy, AL 36079
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I have enver been with another woman, and another man.

Honest and with a desire for fun and adventure. Ultra-discreet respectful guy looking for fwb and no drama. I am looking for a FWB my wife and i are spicing up our relationship so no drama issues here. Live in orange county, down for a good psi bbw women are most welcomed here on my page so don't be shy send me a message.
At the end of the work day, I like to hit the gym for a few laps in the pool or carry out any of my upper and lower body exercise routines to keep fit.

Name: tallandsexy2011 Type: Athletic Status: Separated Height: 5' 0" Hair: Auburn Age: 59 City: Troy, AL 36081
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I new to all this stuff really not very good at it at all but I'm always up to try new things, and very open to new experiences. In an ENM marriage with wife of 15 years. Just super into mature woman.

Name: RodolphBlumeyer1958 Type: Average Status: Divorced Height: 5' 1" Hair: Grey Age: 36 City: Troy, AL 36082
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I am willing to travel at your expense. A willingness to experment and try new things.

Red hair,Have two tattoos. Able to host, able to travel.

Looking forward in meeting you. I'm very happy outgoing person easy to talk to.

Name: Chickie57 Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 4" Hair: Brown Age: 58 City: Troy, AL 36082
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I dont have IM please send a message. Im 6, Indian and Troy, Alabama just looking to hang with cool girls who are open to have some fun. Find me everywhere as thejouj.

Name: Maxineneumann1958 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Divorced Height: 5' 8" Hair: Blonde Age: 35 City: Troy, AL 36079
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Can't share pics because of work. Show me big pussy freak love to fuck to suck prick. Not normal but also not too far out there. Sorry, only have a free membership now so I can only open some messages, so if you sent something nice...I am probably not seeing it.

Name: AubreyR77 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 0" Hair: Brown Age: 59 City: Troy, AL 36081
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Hi we are a Male and Female couple who are open to my situation. Physically I'm fit, reaably good-looking, strong and I give a great massage.

Name: georgianneDemaray Type: Athletic Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 5" Hair: Brown Age: 40 City: Troy, AL 36079
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Are you willing to help? Looking for one on one, MFF, MFMF and possibly MMF. I am a bright and sweet woman looking for the same in a man. I think we all have gotten used to being home more so I find myself forcing myself to get out more.
I love bourbon, being adventurous, and afternoons out on the water in my boat.

Name: yaryklaus1981 Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 1" Hair: Red Age: 42 City: Troy, AL 36079
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