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I like to go out. I love to watch you play with yourself xx. Independence, MO sex ads. Turns out, nothing makes me harder than sending a lady home to her man with my juices dripping out of her. Open my heart to him and make him the happiest of all men on Earth! I have experience in the LS!

Name: Gayleeblakley Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 7" Hair: Blonde Age: 21 City: Roanoke, VA 24008
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I want someone to make me feel the sexual pain and rough me up go hard let me take control as we enjoy each other.

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I'm looking for couples or other gay or bi males to experiment.

Name: emmittKey1967 Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blonde Age: 40 City: Roanoke, VA 24037
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Lets just say that I'm pretty open minded about who I'm looking for just seeing what's out there. I is a highclass champagne class and glamourous and jealous and I want a big fuckin cock to suck right hear in your home.

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Name: luvkgirls Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 7" Hair: Brown Age: 55 City: Roanoke, VA 24023
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I am looking for an attractive, educated, honest, fun, disease free man who likes to be naughty and have fun, and try new things, it's ok to have desires.

I am very sexually charged. But first I want to say that I'm a BBW who's comfortable in her own skin very laid-back mellow kinda chick I don't like drama and I don't like bullshit..
Wives very privte. Im with a man Virginia want sex free but longing for a womans touch ;) i cant send emails or anything so im trien to figure out how to get along in the kink/swing circles.

Name: LovelyBoss2023 Type: Athletic Status: Single Height: 5' 8" Hair: Brown Age: 58 City: Roanoke, VA 24031
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Big appetite for big cocks. I'm a big geek but I have a decent amount of playtime.Looking for someone Virginia want sex free who I can visit after work and maybe even during lunch breaks. I have a bad oral fetish! The point to all of this is simple my sexual appetite is a bit more ??? Dominate bull for wife.

We travel a bit, so distance for the right friends is not a restraint.

Name: MeLikesitRough2 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 0" Hair: Blonde Age: 54 City: Roanoke, VA 24038
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