We are a fun easy going couple looking for fun times. Tri-Cities Washington sex swinger clubs

Hi...I'm looking for a nice man for abit of fun plus meals out and all the good stuff in between. Easy going guy , A gentleman at all times, affectionate, im in the personal security business, Body Guard, very real,very secure, lets talk who knows what can happen, looking to travel, dinners , weekends away, etc. I fun down to earth and really funny and I have a genuine interest in getting to know people. I like to go to the gym, beach, and a beautiful woman. Let's hook up! Married men need not apply!

Name: MidLifeCurious55 Type: Athletic Status: Married Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blonde Age: 56 City: Electric City, WA 99123
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Very interested in.

Looking for a fun experience with other like minded people. I'm a switch, but lean towards more of a Dom, but Tri-Cities Washington depending on our connection I can change to fit the mood.
Personality a main attraction for me.

Name: 2bornot2bb Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 7" Hair: Blonde Age: 56 City: Roosevelt, WA 99356
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Hit me up, im or message.

Definitely not the typical handsome-yet-brainless type - I am Tri-Cities Washington however very experienced and know how to live. I absolutely love it when everyone involved gets the pleasure they want, especially if it involves oral.

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Name: terryerystogi Type: Heavyset Status: Married Height: 5' 7" Hair: Auburn Age: 57 City: Mazama, WA 98833
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Looking for someone who is open and honest communication. I am young in age, that i will admit. Names the same on kick and FL. Pussy in Fort Scott, Kansas swingers couples in Temecula! Kind, thinker, loyal. I'm easy going and enjoy the simple things in life,and not take anything for granted.I've a naturally curious mind and love to learn about the mind and what makes us tick...But that's a little bit about the guy behind the pic's (that seem to be going down well with the boys ;) Make no mistake, my long term partener WILL be a girl and thats that but from time to time I fancy somthing a little different if you get me.

Name: Sugar9894 Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 1" Hair: Red Age: 26 City: Port Angeles, WA 98363
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I love toys and most of all shared experiences..

Most the members are into BDSM. Horny housewives get-together for sex. I'm open to/ willing to try some kinky stuff. Playing someone experienced (man or trans) who can teach me a few tricks or two along the way.
I'm tall, slim, and toned. Whether you be a couple or a woman for a good night out.

Name: Submanna Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 8" Hair: Blonde Age: 28 City: Belmont, WA 99104
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Tall long legs and booty that jiggle. Hot girl doing3. I'm very open and love adventure. Single dad looking for dating or fwb.

Name: Francoisbruemmer1955 Type: Athletic Status: Separated Height: 5' 7" Hair: Blonde Age: 58 City: Kirkland, WA 98033
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My love life is about passion in the moment and the deep warm connection that comes with it.

5'9" brown hair an eyes big teddybear. He is 5'9 medium build with hazel eyes and black hair,very loving adventurous and very talkative,doesn't meet a stranger.She is 5'3 with a little extra padding,bbw brown hair, and brown eyes.shy to start with,but warms up quickly.. I am a Dominant Man - but the kind who will tear your clothes off and fuck the shit out of me.
I really get turned on by looking at a cock entering either my cunt, mouth or arse....a few photos?

Name: Beleslopurinton Type: Athletic Status: Divorced Height: 5' 4" Hair: Grey Age: 39 City: Snoqualmie, WA 98065
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Cpls ok but only for 4somes. I'm single freely available looking for nsa or fwb. Bi sex women to fuck Tifton, GA.

Name: Rosaeves12 Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 0" Hair: Brown Age: 40 City: Mazama, WA 98833
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