Easy going, level headed and good sense of humour, chat a drink and some fun. State College swingers club. Real pussy in the park

Ideally I am trying to find an easy going couple or woman to help me explore subspace and see where we can go together with it. Laidback guy. I'm a game Sony Playstation online gamer Call of Duty. You could married or single im cool with both.

Where we just want all of each other.

Name: Hottennisgirl Type: Athletic Status: Separated Height: 5' 1" Hair: Grey Age: 56 City: State College, PA 16804
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I do read profiles and for those that state their age range on their profile, and I don't fit that age range, I will not message you, I might flirt with you, but if you don't send one privately to the person then either your hiding something or your never going to meet !!! I am looking for fun, open to try most anything. Im newly single and State College looking for some casual fun no strings attached. From Atlanta, just here for work, looking for good friends, YOLO.

Name: JSWIFT55 Type: Athletic Status: Single Height: 5' 6" Hair: Red Age: 32 City: State College, PA 16804
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Must take direction well though! Take care ) x. Who might be looking for the same. Sex clubs Gary.

Name: MsExclusive40 Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 4" Hair: Chestnut Age: 22 City: State College, PA 16803
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I own my own house in Myrtle beach. I removed my ethnicity because its annoying to talk about.

Name: Looking2Host Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 8" Hair: Chestnut Age: 50 City: State College, PA 16803
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I am also vasectomy safe now. I am easy going respectful and try to make everyone comfortable.

Im feminine to the eye, and sexy and loving it, but a real tigress behind State College closed doors, or some open ones! Looks are not high on my list.

Name: MelvinaKazinsky1958 Type: Athletic Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blonde Age: 55 City: State College, PA 16805
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I'm looking for fun, easy-going ladies with passion, a sense of humor, fairly easy-going, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work. We love the nudist life, having sex in front of others and State College watch others have sex. I would love to meet a bisexual woman, since they would probably understand me better than a straight woman would. Lifestyle for couples.

Name: Boycetarbox Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 8" Hair: Grey Age: 39 City: State College, PA 16803
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Looking for an NSA beautiful woman who is willing to teach me the ropes ;).

Man and woman forck nude. I have a dream to see all the oceans of the world.

Name: Bbwbff Type: Athletic Status: Divorced Height: 5' 5" Hair: Red Age: 59 City: State College, PA 16805
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I live by a lake, so if yiur interested in going to the water. I am 51 I currently weigh 160 lbs and I am 4'11 I had weight loss surgery and am losing weight like crazy.

Bottom sub guy wanting a 7 or better sized guy or male couple for spitroast fun. Nake women 4ft tall.

Name: lalala2118748 Type: Athletic Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 9" Hair: Red Age: 23 City: State College, PA 16801
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