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Name: Jrabbitt2000 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 1" Hair: Auburn Age: 30 City: Savannah, GA 31402
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I know it's a bit forward, but why beat around the bush and make things awkward? Fun outgoing girl. Feel free to ask me about that. This is when we create the perception of a person that is looking to enjoy a young strong large and in charge passionate dom with lots of energy.

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Name: MyNeedsMeetYours Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 1" Hair: Auburn Age: 42 City: Savannah, GA 31421
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Handsome Romantic open minded respectful and be a gentleman. I am very sweet open mind person I want to meet others.

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Name: LatoyiaJolly Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 6" Hair: Blonde Age: 41 City: Savannah, GA 31416
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Easy going laid back nature Savannah, GA with great sense of humour and adventure. I love mature slim guys, a good sense of humour is very important as is hygiene, looks aren't important but a nice personality is more than welcome.

Funny, outgoing, likes to have fun, great sense of humor, attractive, enjoys similar things. I am not bisexual, but we do love group fun and I do not mind helping her make him feel amazing.
I want to feel warm cum shooting down my throat, dripping from my ass and plastering my face. Want to try something new and find new experiences.

Name: tattoonaughty Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 0" Hair: Black Age: 46 City: Savannah, GA 31404
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Someone who wants to try new things, loves to receive oral, open to group sex, likes to use toys, Im a big fan of rubbing my woman down, so you must like masages, if you are a woman who squirts, oozes, or drips that would please me greatly. Talk to horny mature full figured black naked over 50 in Maine married. NO MARRIED. Im37 hot , horny love oral and anal. I would describe myself as an easy going lady who loves Savannah, GA nature and i love spending quality time with friends and families just catching up on things and enjoying the moment,i love being happy and i am a vibe to be with if i am in love. She has a voluptuous body that oozes with sexuality and loves to get lost in sensuous pleasures.

Name: manMervine1975 Type: Heavyset Status: Separated Height: 5' 1" Hair: Grey Age: 59 City: Savannah, GA 31421
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Easy going lad fun like having a laff making memorys enjoying life that's what we're here for z. Jadore regarder mais surtout toucher!!! I am very clean and disease free but uncircumcised (seems to be a very big thing on here, not sure why though?) so that most probably narrows the field of prospective playmates. Long time screwing. Come and find me. Someone who likes to experience life and have adventures...as well as get jiggy everywhere.

Name: Tomliverocket Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 1" Hair: Auburn Age: 36 City: Savannah, GA 31404
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Would love to find a woman with lactating breasts. I would enjoy doing this for someone who is sincerely Aroused by this. GF loves picking and choosing who I talk to.

Name: rm_Newt1004 Type: Slender Status: Married Height: 5' 6" Hair: Brown Age: 25 City: Savannah, GA 31408
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My ideal person is sexy,got some booty,down to try new things and explore wants and desires. Free rubbing my pussy. I'm in the mood for an outgoing man to shake my world up a little. No sex since January, 2023. I also like men too and love sucking cock.

Name: Ethelmahin Type: Average Status: Separated Height: 5' 5" Hair: Auburn Age: 45 City: Savannah, GA 31419
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