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Name: Celiestruckman776 Type: Average Status: Separated Height: 5' 4" Hair: Brown Age: 56 City: Altus, OK 73522
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Enjoy the usual stuff.

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I'm a great kisser, I'm genuine, funny, and easy-going. I'm 42 but but don't look it...sexy and sweet country girl who is bored with same type relationship wanna try this. Finally in a position to explore and complete my sexuality.

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Name: talmatias Type: Slender Status: Divorced Height: 5' 0" Hair: Red Age: 34 City: Hitchcock, OK 73744
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Je suis un mec sympa, calme, chalereux, comique. In the package department I'm average, not too big, not small, just right for your pleasure. The philosophy Oklahoma I live by is that it's all about making the woman happy I am 100% straight. I am looking for a hookup only.

Name: Perseph0ne71 Type: Heavyset Status: Separated Height: 5' 5" Hair: Red Age: 50 City: Oklahoma City, OK 73179
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I am a 28 yr old looking for a little fun in the bedroom. Hot horny sexy housewife wants to fuck guy in Dallas ads.
I wait for you, my love.

Name: ColanLevakis Type: Athletic Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 5" Hair: Auburn Age: 49 City: Oklahoma City, OK 73145
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He might be a bit romantic, same as me. Moved from out of state after months of research on where to move next. In a non-exciting marriage and browsing for something different. I say this again: I can't have you at my house but happy to go to yours, hotels etc, and I do have a funny side to my personality so you are guaranteed to laugh when you are around me.

Name: Chyna512 Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 0" Hair: Auburn Age: 21 City: Warner, OK 74469
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Outdoors guy, Would like fwb, can relate and connect, not really into one night stands. Cum on pussy.

Looking for open minded friends, who like to meet up occasionally for discreet fun. Enjoy the outdoors.

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A vixen in the sheets. Looking to see if I can satisfy my dreams.

Love to kiss.

Open minded enough to provide you with what i am able.

Name: hamiltonBinkley698 Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 5" Hair: Black Age: 25 City: Claremore, OK 74019
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