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Name: MariyaLajuan Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 7" Hair: Grey Age: 50 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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I'm on here looking for drama free fun and always open to trying more.

Wouldn't mind cuddling up on the couch with a blanket snuggling up! Pleasure, intimacy, laughter and good food is important to me.

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Name: bobbyborges Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 7" Hair: Blonde Age: 42 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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I would like him to be cheerful and have a good sense of humor.ya gotta be able to laugh at all the bullshit in life.not into liars or head cases.dont need no bs in my life.a friend with benefits leading to something more is cool with me. I prefer white guys tho.
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I am a very open minded, honest and discreet woman. I am a romantic and a foodie and golfer and a decent cook.

Name: darbLeflore Type: Average Status: Separated Height: 5' 9" Hair: Brown Age: 52 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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I love the beauty of it. I am a professional, clean, good looking college aged male looking for some fun! A person who understands why im here,and also wants to have fun. Mainly looking for a easy FWB guy. If you are comfortable with a threesome we could both pleasure you and have you join in on our spicy fun. Guy fucks his great dane. I'm NOT ok with anyone who is married and their partner isn't cool with them having extracurricular fun.

Name: Nic3742 Type: Heavyset Status: Divorced Height: 5' 0" Hair: Brown Age: 58 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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I will be your respite. I want to tie you up and tease and please. In my opinion, a massage can be very relaxing and can lead to a very erotic and sensual experience..I am open to much more..I look forward to hearing from you. Find sex in Wildwood.

Name: meghannKalmar1960 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Divorced Height: 5' 0" Hair: Black Age: 58 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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I enjoy a laugh and a beer. I applaud you. I like to smile, open up and be myself.

I run my own Entertainments company which is fun.

Name: Mrekrab61 Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 4" Hair: Brown Age: 40 City: Atkins, AR 72823
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