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I am looking for a future man who has a good heart, a good sense of humor, STD and drama free and seeking more than a hookup. Just a clean well endowed gentleman that can rock your world.

Name: farmer3212 Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 8" Hair: Brown Age: 57 City: Nashville, TN 37205
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Would like to have a friend for mutual benefits, let's see how we vibe together.

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Name: StacyMurrill Type: Heavyset Status: Married Height: 5' 9" Hair: Chestnut Age: 32 City: Nashville, TN 37237
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So everything is mutual. I can say that without it looking like a narcissist!

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Open to many situations, as long as I am not around. Nude woman in Rochester, MA.

My ideal person is close to me, knows how to have fun and can communicate and be sexy and like strap and tongue. You know you want it too.

Name: Sethgilmore1966 Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 3" Hair: Black Age: 52 City: Nashville, TN 37217
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