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Name: Farlyevangelista1965 Type: Athletic Status: Divorced Height: 5' 3" Hair: Blonde Age: 52 City: Minneapolis, MN 55401
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And some one that likes to have oral i guess no one wants to have fun. Someone that wants to be pleasured and have a great time with some nice, normal people that enjoy sex as much as I do. G'day, a little about myself, I like to explore and travel, I like chatting about anything and everything. I love kissing and probably that says a lot about my favourite position.

Name: cornelaottum299 Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Red Age: 36 City: Minneapolis, MN 55407
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Start with chatting and see what happens. I WILL NOT BE PLAYED......IF YOU WANT TO PLAY GAMES PLAY THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE. Not sure yet. Navada wife wants to try MFM sex!

Name: Bigheavyguypa Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 3" Hair: Auburn Age: 39 City: Minneapolis, MN 55424
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35 years- 55 years old, attractive.

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Anyways, he knows I don't really like him but he stays with me because I like his small penis :). Live in Blenheim need nsa fuck buddy have a partner who's nava keen 2 have sex needing more. Looking for something more than a hookup and less than a relationship will ask to verify, ofc I can too, gotta be safe :).

Name: RebekaRegester138 Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 9" Hair: Red Age: 31 City: Minneapolis, MN 55448
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I'm in Brantford and I can host. Couple sex timbar. Good oral skills, and willing to let me watch as they have sex and partake if the opportunity presents itself. Very geeky, funny, and empathetic.
If you like having conversations sitting on a balcony or walking along the beachfront with your shoes in your hand laughing about life then you might fit this description. Well, hello there! Relaxed and confident.

Name: merleneadler Type: Heavyset Status: Divorced Height: 5' 0" Hair: Grey Age: 27 City: Minneapolis, MN 55437
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Any questions please Minneapolis, MN reach out. Married woman in Newberg to fuck men join threesome. Looking for passion, intimacy and NSA fun with a mature woman or couple. Single men I'm picky about ages 21-50.

Name: GregoriyPreston697 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Divorced Height: 5' 7" Hair: Auburn Age: 48 City: Minneapolis, MN 55434
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Very respectful to the Minneapolis, MN world in which I live in and to the people I encounter on a daily basis. Im just an average bored girl, I'm not really that active here. Erotic flat tummy women!!! Fun, bubbly girl who loves a laugh.
Athletic Great Soul.

Name: SwtnInn41 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Black Age: 53 City: Minneapolis, MN 55404
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Im open minded, and open to offers :) I'm a decent man, trustworthy and caring but if you like a little something. I'm not interested in joining you and your man not am I interested in woman that are in relationships I'm a one on one type different rooms but you never know shy but opens up when feeling comfortable and not pressured, message or drop a line :):) sn't it what were all looking for ;);).

Also we r simple,easy going and straight forward. I hope that doesn't put you off because I'm a very nice person although there is that naughty twinkle in my eye ! Someone who feels that everyday can be it's own little adventure, that variety is indeed the spice of life, and laughter is the best medicine. Def not stright laced or vanilla and very non judgemental.

Name: Illaleister Type: Slender Status: Single Height: 5' 3" Hair: Auburn Age: 51 City: Minneapolis, MN 55448
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