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I want to be lol. Single busy dad need someone to go to concerts and music shows. I have only a desire to blow cock and maybe get fucked.

Name: WernerLillis Type: Slender Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 0" Hair: Grey Age: 55 City: Donna, TX 78537
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We are a nice young couple (37/31) looking for a gril to have fun. Looking for a down to earth honest person that is comfortable talking about the positives and negatives of life, with an out going adventurous personality. Looking to meet fun and interesting people.

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Name: trapper742 Type: Athletic Status: Single Height: 5' 3" Hair: Red Age: 46 City: Donna, TX 78537
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We are a genuine , kind and loving couple who want to try new things and can host. Not much action when i am home, interested in mature woman. I love Country music and am an aspiring songwriter, in need of help hehehe..I am sociable, purposeful, impulsive, eccentric, extravagant from Donna, Texas and temperamental. Hobbies are traveling, snowboarding, go karting, playing hockey, wood working, cooking, watching documentaries, biking, snowmobiling and anything adventurous. Thick latina kissing.

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Name: MistressApril75 Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 8" Hair: Auburn Age: 32 City: Donna, TX 78537
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