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If you want to know more just send me a DM. I'm a separated, 35 year old professional looking to rediscover th old me. I always put my woman's sexual satisfaction first, so I won't quit until I know she is through!!!

Name: Andy2024AFF Type: Athletic Status: Separated Height: 5' 3" Hair: Black Age: 33 City: Chicago, IL 60624
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Open to anything so let's talk and see where it goes. Looking to play with like minded people who are open-minded and willing to talk about there fun times or just kick it. Lets get right to the point and FUCK!!

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I have always felt a bit 'different' and don't follow the crowd.

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I'm very bi curious and looking for another person to hang out & have some fun & laughs & who doesn't take life too seriously! Simply I get Fulfillment by making my partner's happiness come first. Let's pop open the champagne, and hit the sheets. The man in those videos worshiped me for the goddess that I am therefore I whorsiped his cock.

Name: LuckyCharm1601 Type: Average Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Hair: Auburn Age: 39 City: Chicago, IL 60603
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I am also a pretty talented photographer - I have been out of relationship for over a year now and just looking for some fun experiences with new people. And someone who enjoys foreplay Chicago party alot. Main thing I look for is a woman who is down to earth, clean and respectful to others. Looking to meet couples and single ladies for casual fun. Ass licking single women. Checking to see how much has changed. For me it is all about the experience that we can share.

Name: FremontValenza Type: A few extra pounds Status: Single Height: 5' 1" Hair: Black Age: 58 City: Chicago, IL 60612
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