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Name: MelinaHorshok Type: A few extra pounds Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 8" Hair: Red Age: 53 City: Gonzales, LA 70707
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I am a man with courage and a good heart.

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Name: lorealkastenbauer Type: Slender Status: Separated Height: 5' 5" Hair: Black Age: 49 City: Gonzales, LA 70737
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I'm open and ready to give it all in a Relationship...A Honest Woman who wants to meet a Honest Man with a Sincere Heart. We are an honest, fun, non vanilla couple looking for other couples to be friends with benefits and Siewert goes from there.

Name: Sahx88 Type: A few extra pounds Status: Married Height: 5' 9" Hair: Grey Age: 36 City: Gonzales, LA 70737
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Thought it might be interesting to hop back on and see what was happening. Wife watching me beat off.

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Name: TinaArreola1959 Type: Heavyset Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 4" Hair: Red Age: 33 City: Gonzales, LA 70737
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I like lighting up my partner, taking them to the max. Average stocky nudes. Don't necessiraly turn me on..A man who knows his direction. I have no problem with doing whatever you guys are comfortable with so that we can live our true love story.

Name: GoodOlFun4 Type: Athletic Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 7" Hair: Red Age: 30 City: Gonzales, LA 70737
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Maybe too quick on the draw sometimes, more irreverent than I should Gonzales, Louisiana be. Looking for a lady to share the fun with a lovely lady. I usually go for the manly, dominate type.

Name: captainZucker1985 Type: Heavyset Status: Single Height: 5' 2" Hair: Red Age: 49 City: Gonzales, LA 70737
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